CNY Stormwater Coalition Website

Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow that does not soak into the ground, but runs off into waterways from rooftops, paved areas, bare soil, and sloped lawns.  Flowing storm water collects and transports soil, animal wastes, pesticides, fertilizers, oil and grease, debris and other potential pollutants.  31 municipalities in the Syracuse area are required to have NYS permit coverage, and meet certain permit conditions, in order to discharge stormwater from their drainage systems to our local waters, the majority of which are members of the Central New York Stormwater Coalition.  The Coalition is working to meet regulatory stormwater management requirements while improving water quality throughout Central New York.  By partnering with neighboring communities and other organizations such as CNY Regional Planning & Development Board, NY State Department of Environmental Conservation, local Soil & Water Conservation Districts, and Syracuse-Onondaga County Planning Agency and the Onondaga County Save the Rain Program.  Coalition members are finding efficient ways to reduce and share the cost of regulatory compliance, reduce duplicate efforts, and leverage available funding…There are many simple actions that you can take as a resident of your community to help reduce the generation of stormwater pollution and its impacts.


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